Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5 - Junpei - Challenge 25 [Tips in Description]

2022-04-26 4

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Junpei Iori
Challenge 25
Objective: Hit 'Inferno Homer', 'Comeback Grand Slam' and 'Super Vorpal Bat' in this order in a single combo.

- Numerical notation: 2D, 236236B ~ B (clean hit), 2AB, OMB, 236236C ~ A, 214C, 214214C ~ A
- Arrows notations: ↓ + D, ↓↘→↓↘→ + B ~ B (clean hit), ↓ + AB, OMB, ↓↘→↓↘→ + C ~ A, ↓↙← + C, ↓↙←↓↙← + C ~ A.

- Alternate solution 1 (not showed in the video): 2D, 236236B ~ B (clean hit), 2D, OMB, 236236C ~ A, 214C, 214214C ~ A
- Alternate solution 2 (not showed in the video): 2D, 236236B ~ B (clean hit), 2AB, BD ~ A, 236236C ~ A, 214C, 214214C ~ A

Detailed Explanation:
2D (start the combo not so close from the corner),
236236C ~ B (as soon as Junpei recovers, do the super and start mashing B to get the follow up. You MUST get a clean hit in this move, otherwise you won't be able to continue the combo. The clean hit occurs when you start the super while Yu is not so close to you. Delaying the super will make it starts when Yu is closer, so it is not recommended),
2AB (as soon as Junpei recovers, do the sweep. Only possible if you got a clean hit in the previous attack),
OMB (press ACD to cancel the sweep into One More Bust. This will launch Yu into the air),
236236C ~ A (when the explosion happens, instantly do this super move, and mash A to get the follow-up as soon as possible. Your objective is to make the follow-up hit the ball only. If it hits Yu, the combo will end here. If done right, the ball will launch Yu into the air again, but this time he will be sent very high, totally out the screen).
delay, 214C (you have to wait for the next move, or the persona will fall before Yu appears in the screen. Try to do the move when the background's stage is back to normal. Higher you hit Yu, easier will be to hit the next move),
214214C ~ delay ~ A (immediately cancel the previous move into this super. It may hit or not depending on the height the persona hit Yu. After the super hit, wait a bit and time the follow-up to clear the challenge. You don't need a clean hit this time).